Save Bethune House – “Migrant Film Series: Charity Screenings" 齊撐白恩逢之家—「移工影像系列:放映籌旗」

(Please scroll down for English version)



◇ 14/9 (Fri),6:30-10pm,ACO艺鵠 § 本土劇情裡的移(住)工(人)








◇ 15/9 (Sat) 6:30-10pm – ACO艺鵠 § 流動中的抗爭與愛情






◇ 28/9 (Fri) 6:30-9pm – 香港兆基創意書院放映室 § 同住我城



張高銘《Ya Ya》


吳以諾、胡家偉、李維怡《未存在的故鄉 第二部:賭局》 (選段〈別人的媽媽〉)






自由捐助 (扣除活動成本後全數捐予白恩逢之家)

$100以上 可獲白恩逢之家姊妹手作紀念品

$200以上 可獲手印版畫T-shirt或Tote Bag乙件 (只餘少量,先到先得)



白恩逢之家Facebook專頁:@BethuneHouse MigrantWomensRefuge

惟工新聞:〈支援受虐外傭三十載  庇護所面臨財困  恐下月倒閉〉



(1) 支票抬頭 The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, Ltd.,並郵寄至香港花園道4-8號聖約翰座堂,MFMW Limited。

(2) 直接存入恆生銀行帳戶#284-8-241309,The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, Ltd



Save Bethune House – “Migrant Film Series: Charity Screenings

The Bethune House, an emergency shelter for women migrant workers, faces financial crisis. Thus, a group of local supports had invited producers/ directors/ activists/ organizers/ of dramas/ documentary/ video/ from Hong Kong/ Taiwan, to showcase their works in the “Migrant Film Series: Charity Screenings". Aiming to raise funds on one hand, the screenings also hope to shed light on the emotions, desires and struggles of migrants under social system, in family, and in-between the places they left or stayed; at the same time, reflect on the reciprocal relations and responsibilities among us.


◇ 14/9 (Fri), 6:30-10pm, ACO § Portrayal of Migrant Workers in Local Dramas

Kwok Zune, “Home Coming"

HK|2009|Drama|Color|30 mins|Cantonese, Tagalog and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)

Wong Fei-pang, “Martika"

HK|2017|Drama|Color|45 mins|Cantonese, Tagalog and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)

Lai Ming-yan, “Being on the Island"

HK|2017|Drama|Color|45 mins|Cantonese, Tagalog and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)


◇ 15/9 (Sat), 6:30-10pm, ACO § Struggle and Love in the Diaspora

Sharing from Bethune House sisters

Susan Chen, “Lesbian Factory"

Taiwan|2013|Documentary|Color|57mins|Mandarin, Tagalog and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)

Sharing from Local LGBT Migrant group


◇ 28/9 (Fri), 6:30-9pm, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Screening Room § Living-in “our" city

Fredie Chan, “Beautiful Life"

HK|2012|Drama|Color|25 mins|Cantonese, Bahasa and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)

Justin Cheung, “Ya Ya"

HK|2017|Documentary|Color|31 mins|Cantonese, Tagalog and English (with Chinese and English subtitles)

enoch ng, kelvin wu, lee waiyi, “exodus of nowhere. episode 2: gamble" (selected part ‘other’s mother’)

HK|2013-14|Video|Color|28 mins|Cantonese, English and Mandarin (with Chinese and English subtitles)


Co-organizers: ACO, Autonomous Cinema, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

Special thanks: Radio Television Hong Kong, Taiwan International Workers’ Association, Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, v-artivist, and all directors & production teams


Free donation (all goes to Bethune House after deduction of logistic cost for organizing of the event)

Donation over $100 – gets a hand-made souvenir by Bethune House sisters

Donation over $200 – gets a block-printing T-shirt or Tote-bag (limited quantity, first-come-first-served)

All donations of HK$100 and above are tax deductible.


Bethune House Facebook page: @BethuneHouse MigrantWomensRefuge

WKNews: “Shelter for abused FDWs faces bankruptcy and closure in a month"


Other ways to donate:

(1) By cheque payable to The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, Ltd. and mail to the MFMW Limited, St. John’s Cathedral, 4-8 Garden Road, Central, HK
(2) By direct deposit to Hang Seng Bank S/A number #284-8-241309, The Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge, Ltd
(3) By Paypal:


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