

[4th Week of Hunger Strike: Hong Kong people stands with CIC ‘blackjail’ hunger strikers! Words from petitioners]


CIC關注組於上週發起聲援CIC絕食者的聯署 (https://forms.gle/gVzAeDzRUVoekRfp8),短短幾天內,我們收到超過2000名聲援者的聯署以及無數的團結信息。


Hunger strike at CIC had entered the 4th week. At least one hunger striker had stopped intaking water since last Saturday or earlier. We are extremely concerned about this situation.

Last week, CIC Concern Group has launched a petition in support of the hunger strikers in CIC (https://forms.gle/gVzAeDzRUVoekRfp8). Within only a couple of days, we received over 2000 signatures and lots of solidarity messages.

We’ve sent all your heart-warming messages to the hunger strikers, so that they could know that our thoughts are with them. Thanks for all of your great support! Please share the solidarity messages and our petition so that more people could stand in solidarity with CIC detainees.


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